Navigating the Lonely Holiday Vibes:

Yippee Ki Yay solo ones.

Tackling the holiday solo mission can be a rollercoaster, right? If you're flying solo this season, whether it's a long-distance fam situ 🫢 or a solo relationship status πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ, we're here to spice up your holiday game.

Some folks can experience feelings of lowness and depression during the festive time, as the season seems to serve as a catalyst for intense self-reflection and dwelling on life's shortcomings. Trust Chip, she’s definitely feeling this right now. This often leads to adopting a "victim" mentality, especially when comparing oneself to others who appear to have more and do more.

So if you’re feeling a bit disconnected, anxious and a little wobbly, it's crucial to remember that countless others are going through the same thing simultaneously. The question then becomes, how can each of us navigate and handle this shared experience?

  1. Cut the comparisons: This one can be hard, especially if you’re alone with instagram opened, scrolling through everyone with party hats, crackers and having a whale of a time. By design, social apps capitalise on users’ biological drive for social belonging - shut it down. Be mindful on how you’re using your phone over the festive period. Take yourself out of the scrolldom and put yourself in an environment that allows you to put your phone down.

  2. Feel the Feels: Feeling like the star of a lonely holiday movie? No shame, we've all been in that scene. Lean into the sadness; it's like the vintage Christmas sweater of emotions. Acknowledge it, vibe with it, and remember you're not the only one riding this.

    We’ve recently redownloaded Smiling Mind (yeah we know, we should have been using it already!) This app is chockers full of great tools to help you navigate those feels.

  3. Slide into the DMs (in the less creepy way): Your IRL squad or your dreamy crush might be ghosting. Hit up your online peeps & shoot those DMs. The chances are there will be a bunch of people being in the same situation or better yet ready to welcome you with open arms.

Remember, being a solo act during the holidays doesn't mean you're stuck in a boring script. There's a whole squad of holiday loners out there, and we're turning our solo status into a vibe that's too hot to handle. 2024 can give us all an opportunity to shape our journey to something we want to achieve.


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