Coping with Eco-Anxiety: Tips and Resources

As concern for the environment grows, more people are experiencing eco-anxiety - a feeling of overwhelming stress, fear, and anxiety related to the current and future state of the planet. Coping with eco-anxiety can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help. Here are some tips to manage eco-anxiety:

  1. Stay informed but set boundaries: Stay up-to-date on environmental issues, but limit your exposure to negative news and social media. Find a reliable source of information and set aside specific times to check in, so you can stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.

  2. Take action: Instead of feeling helpless, take action to make a difference. Join an environmental organization, volunteer for a local cause, or participate in a community clean-up. Taking action can give you a sense of control and purpose, and reduce feelings of eco-anxiety.

  3. Practice self-care: Take care of your mental health by engaging in activities that help you relax and recharge. Exercise, spend time in nature, meditate, or practice mindfulness. Take breaks from screens and technology, and spend time with loved ones.

If you're struggling with eco-anxiety, you're not alone. Here are three resources that can provide additional support:

  1. The Good Trade - This website provides a variety of resources related to sustainable living, including tips for reducing waste, ethical fashion, and eco-friendly beauty.

  2. The Climate Reality Project - This organization is dedicated to educating people about the climate crisis and advocating for solutions. They offer resources for individuals and communities to take action on climate change.

  3. The Eco-Anxiety Project - This project provides a safe space for people to share their experiences with eco-anxiety and connect with others who are also struggling. They offer online support groups, workshops, and resources for coping with eco-anxiety.


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